[Jesus] said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38 (ESV)Image Credit: Bruce Guenter
I know this verse gets used a lot within missions… to recruit missionaries. But now that I’m a missionary in England, I can see the truth in it. There are so many needs for ministry, but not enough workers.
During the month of November, OM is emphasising the need for “harvesters” in reaching the lost. There’s a great need! On their website, they have listed several critical needs that need to be filled. Would you please take a moment to check out the website and pray that God will fill these positions? These are some jobs that need to be filled: English Teacher in Czech Republic, CPR Instructor in North Africa, Electrician on the ship Logos Hope and Human Resources Manager in Ecuador. Who knows… Maybe you could fill one of those roles!