Hey, mother travelling with little ones…
I know things don’t always go to plan. I know you find that frustrating. It’s hard when your small ones didn’t understand that they were expected to nap in the car while you drive.
I hear you inwardly cry as your babies cry because they’re hungry and have been in the car seat too long. I pray God will fill you with peace, patience and abundant grace for your journey.
It’s hard when your layover at the airport turns turns into hours of delays, making your trip 26 hours long. Just remember it will be over at some point. You will get where you’re going. And airports are usually great adventures for your kids!
I know it sometimes feels like you have to stop at every. single. rest area. on the motorway (American English = interstate). It makes things take longer than you’d planned. But your little ones get the opportunity to get out of the car and run off their pent-up energy.
I understand that you have a child who doesn’t deal with change very well. It’s an opportunity to teach them about being flexible. God uses these moments to allow us to teach our children. They watch our every move, so we get to learn flexibility, too!
When you travel across time zones, two words may become part of your vocabulary: jet. lag. It will probably upset your routine for a few days. But take heart! Be consistent, and you’ll get back on track eventually, even if it means sleepless nights for a few days.
While we’re on sleepless nights, sometimes it’s best to travel after the kids are asleep. I know your sleep is precious, but so is your sanity. It’s ok to travel at bedtime… and it’s ok to share the driving.
Dear mother travelling with little ones, I know that it’s hard and sometimes feels like it will never end. But it does, and you will survive. You might feel like you need a holiday from your holiday (or home assignment or whatever reason you’re travelling). Remember that it’s just a season. Short and like a vapour. Enjoy travelling with your little ones. What seems like a monumental task for you may be like an adventure for them. Enjoy the adventure with them.