One of my goals for 2013 is to read more. I always have a growing list of books to read, and I fully intend to read them. The problem is… I don’t make time to read as often as I should. My school years probably ruined me for reading, and I want reading to be fun for our son (and any future children we may have). So I need to be a good example and read some things too, right? :)

So here is my list of books to read this year. I’m keeping it small so I can take baby steps and not disappoint myself if I don’t read every single book in my list. Some of these books are on my wish list, too… books that I don’t own yet so I may not get to read them yet.

Reading List:

  • Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp — A book that’s taken me over a year to finish. HA! Can’t believe I admitted that. Only a couple chapters left. This book is brilliant!
  • Watching the English by Kate Fox — Another one that’s been on our shelf for awhile… ::blush:: But it hilariously describes the English culture.
  • Gospel Treason by Brad Bigney — A book about idols of the heart by the pastor from my home church in the US.
  • The Contented Toddler Years by Gina Ford — Ford’s methods are very similar to the Babywise series. I can’t wait to read it!

Books on my wish list to read this year:

  • The “Do What You Can” Plan by Holley Gerth — This short Kindle book talks about how to make good changes in your life.
  • One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp — I’m already counting my gifts this year (more on this later) so why not read the book?
  • The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson — I heard Sally speak while listening to the keynote talks from the Allume conference last year. I loved what she had to say.
  • I have a few other books on my wish list, but I might be too ambitious to read them this year. If I finish what I’ve got right now, then we’ll see what else I can read. :)

I wonder if actually listing the books I want to read this year will help me read them? I guess we’ll see. If you haven’t noticed, I prefer non-fiction books. Maybe I should add a few fiction books to my list, too. Hmm… Next year. Maybe.

What is a goal without a plan for reaching that goal? I’m going to try and read 15-20 minutes a day (baby steps, remember?). They say that it takes about 21 days to build a new habit.

What about you? What books are you (hoping to) read this year?

(It’s worth noting that the links in this post are NOT affiliate links. I put them in so you can find and read them for yourself!)


  1. Paige 6 January 2013 at 20:13 - Reply

    If you liked Tedd Tripp’s book, you should check out Ginger Plowman’s “Don’t Make Me Count to Three”. She gives very practical applications based on Tripp’s book and heart-oriented discipline. It’s been very helpful to us during the toddler years! Thanks for sharing your list…I always enjoy hearing what people are reading! :)

    • Chrysti Hedding 7 January 2013 at 21:28 - Reply

      Thanks for the suggestion, Paige! I had a look at the book on Amazon. It sounds like a really good one!

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