When I was in elementary school, my mom, sister and I went to Florida to visit my uncle. While we were there, we went to the Tampa Zoo. Even though I was 8 or 9 years old at the time, I remember this trip because my uncle let me use one of his cameras to take photos. We developed the film and put the photos in an album. After that trip, I was interested photography, but I didn’t do anything about it until years later when I took a photography class at the Creation Museum. Even then, I haven’t done much with it until I got married, moved to England and had babies.

Big Girl Camera - Eva Joy

Living so far away from our family and friends gives me the desire to capture our life on camera so those back in the US can get a glimpse into our lives. In the past few years I’ve become more intentional about taking photos. Asher came along, I got a smart phone, and I started Instagram-ing our life. But I always wanted to grow my skills to more than just Instagram and my point-and-shoot camera.

Then I found out I could get a dSLR camera for my birthday. I started doing research and discovered I should research “dSLR cameras for busy moms” because, well, that’s what I am. Does such a thing exist? Yes! I found one! I’ve been upgraded to a “big girl camera.”

Big Girl Camera

When I was researching a new camera, I stumbled across an online class targeted at moms who use dSLR cameras. It was designed to make learning to use a dSLR camera doable as a busy mother. With two littles at home, this sounded very appealing. So I took her free class a couple of weeks ago and loved it so much that I convinced Leon to let me take the full course next month (I don’t get anything for saying that).

Big Girl Camera - Asher

I’m so excited to learn how to use my camera! And I love that this hobby allows me to spend even more time with my children.


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