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I’m sure I’m not the first to admit that quitting my job, getting married, and moving to another country isn’t easy. It’s downright frustrating at times, although the joyous times still outweigh the frustrating ones. I sometimes find myself frustrated because I’m used to doingsomething–I’m used to working a full-time job in the secular world. Right now, my job is to be a stay-at-home wife. It is what I decided to do, and it is what my husband and I thought would be best especially right now when I’m settling into married life in Carlisle and OM. Of course, I’m growing into this role… it has been challenging at times to be reminded that I am making a difference by serving my husband in this way when I’m still inclined to think that I need to have a bigger role to make a difference.
A bigger role. That is where I struggle. Sometimes I have the thought, “I’m a missionary’s wife. I should be doing something bigger than being a homemaker.” I often forget several things. I forget that my role here in the home is a huge blessing to my husband. I forget that in moving to a new place it takes time to settle in and find my place to fit in. I forget that it’s OK to start small–I’m not going to do great things right away. In reality, a lot of people throughout history probably felt the same way I do at some point in their lives.