Asher took his first steps a few weeks ago. Since then, he’s gone straight to running with no hesitation. We are now headed into toddlerhood at full speed, and we haven’t really looked back.
The process of Asher learning to walk has been fun to watch. At first he wanted to hold on to something (the wall, our hand) at all times. Then, as he became more confident he would take a few steps on his own. And other times when he just preferred to crawl because it was faster.
Then Asher reached a point when we would want to hold his hand to guide him where to go. Sometimes he would be ok with it, but the more confident he got with his walking, the more frustrated he got when we would intervene and lead him where to go (life has gotten a lot slower because of this!). It frustrated us because Asher wanted to walk where we didn’t want him to.
I’m certain I’m not the first mother to realise this, but it’s a lot like our walk with the Lord. Often we want to walk this life on our own, going where we please. But God has other plans when he takes our hand. He wants us to walk according to His will!
When we walk with the Lord, there is blessing! I’m reminded of Psalm 23: “He leads me beside still waters… He leads me in paths of righteousness for his namesake… Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me… Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life…”
Like a gentle shepherd leads his sheep, we lead our children and God leads us.
Hmm… Who knew that parenting could remind us of our own walk with the Lord?! ;) (I think that’s kind of the point!!)