Want a guaranteed way to learn patience?
Read about patience in your quiet time Bible study. Then just do life every day.
Easier said than done, right? :-)
I’ve been doing this great study on the love of Jesus based on 1 Corinthians 13 the past few weeks. Two weeks ago, I studied how ‘love is patient.’ It sounds nice… until God decides to use the study to teach me humble me.
Yet I get impatient with my husband… I get impatient with my son… I get impatient with that driver who is going just a tiny bit under the speed limit.
1 Thessalonians 5:14-15 talks about how we are to be patient with everyone. It’s not easy to do. I admit that I’m human. Just a couple of weeks ago, I lost my patience with Asher because he was going through a phase, and I didn’t want him to go through that phase because it was inconvenient for me. Until, by God’s grace, I read this passage in 1 Thessalonians.
“…be patient with all.”
Yep, I failed miserably in the patience department. Thankfully, we serve a God and Saviour who is gracious to forgive. The next verse goes on to talk about how to be patient.
“See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all.”
We have an example in Jesus, who endured persecution on our behalf. Hebrews 12:2 says that He endured the cross. He showed patience when He did that. He’s also patient with me because I’m human and make mistakes.
I have a feeling God’s going to keep teaching me these lessons in patience because I’m never going to completely learn the lesson!