Despite this being a seemingly good year, it really wouldn’t be a “good” year without some struggles. I’ve written about some of my struggles with being away from home on home assignment and becoming a missionary wife. You can click the links to read about them if you like.
When I was a student at Hope College, the freshman and sophomore classes had a tug of war competition called the Pull. The intense game competition, lasting several hours, consisted of each team struggling to gain rope and not give it back to the other team.
Image Credit: toffehoff |
A tug of war can be a good analogy for our relationship with God at times. God gives us people, events, and other things in our lives, and we can do one of two things with them. We can let go of the struggle and let God handle our problem… or we can hold onto it for ourselves. It becomes a sort of tug of war between us and God. Just when we gain some rope on our own in a struggle, God reminds us we can’t do it alone and takes some of it back.
That’s where I find it difficult—giving whatever I’m struggling with over to God to let Him handle it, only to take it back because I think I can do it on my own. Pride can definitely get in the way.
It’s a good thing God places struggles in our lives to mould us into His image—to sanctify us so we’ll become more like Christ. What’s even better: when we give our struggle over to God, we grow even more because we have to trust Him with our problems.
When did you struggle? (Today’s prompt is by Kaileen Elise)