
We’re all heading somewhere…

Hi there! I’m Chrysti Hedding. Life is a journey. Sometimes that road is hard, and sometimes we feel alone. I hope to encourage you no matter where you are and point you to God, who will always walk with you. Will you join me on my journey from death to life?

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How We Home Educate: Language Arts

By |June 21st, 2024|Categories: Home Education|Tags: |

Before my social media strike last year, I took part in an Instagram "challenge." Participants shared how they home educate because home education looks different for every family. I decided I'd share that again on the blog, since I'm still figuring out how to live with social media in a healthy way. Over the coming months, I hope to write a series of posts outlining what home education looks like for our family. When many people first look at home educating their children, they may think, [...]

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